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Android] Fragment 생성시에는 newInstance로.

by 깻잎쌈 2025. 1. 24.



All subclasses of Fragment must include a public no-argument constructor.

The framework will often re-instantiate a fragment class when needed, in particular during state restore, and needs to be able to find this constructor to instantiate it.

If the no-argument constructor is not available, a runtime exception will occur in some cases during state restore.


화면회전이나 화면 재생성으로 인해 Fragment 재생성시 no-argument constructor를 호출하기에,

Fragment 생성할때는 newInstance 사용해서 파라미터 넘기고,

bundle로 값을 저장하고 가져와서 사용한다.



* <p>It is strongly recommended to supply arguments with {@link #setArguments}
* and later retrieved by the Fragment with {
@link #getArguments}. These arguments
* are automatically saved and restored alongside the Fragment.






Fragment 생성시

    public static SampleDialog newInstance(boolean aaa, String bbb) {

        Bundle args = new Bundle();
        args.putBoolean("aaa", aaa);
        args.putString("bbb", bbb);

        SampleDialog fragment = new SampleDialog();

        return fragment;




Fragment에서 파라미터 값을 사용할때

 getArguments() 사용

    public View onCreateView(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        if (getArguments() != null) {
            boolean aaa = getArguments().getBoolean("aaa");
            String bbb = getArguments().getString("bbb");



Activity에서 호출시

 sampleDialog = SampleDialog.newInstance(false, "sample");
 sampleDialog.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "SampleDialog");
